Trap Adventure 2 – Most Devilish iOS Game Ever
If you are from the clan of gamers who like to challenge themselves to the extreme, you are reading the right article. There is a game which will test your skill (and patience) to the limit, namely, Trap Adventure 2. First released in 2016, Trap Adventure 2 is a mobile platformer in the style of the original Super Mario Bros, excluding all the happy endings and including hours of pain and frustration. It is developed by Hiroyoshi Oshiba (aka “hiro!!”). It has recently been getting attention for its clever design and hilarious level of difficulty. This surge in popularity is partly due to a viral Twitter video of the game, which throws devilish (and completely unfair) curveballs at the player. If you haven’t already watched it, please do. It’s brilliantly cruel. あまりにも神ゲー… — 中段見てからしゃがむの余裕マン (@P_MEN876) January 22, 2018 The game appears to be deliberately designed to anticipate the player’s next move, and ensure that ...